Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Understanding the Different Time Limits of Making a Personal Injury Claim Bolton

Just because you were injured does not mean that you are entitled to compensation. In fact, for a successful claim you must be able to prove that the accident was the outcome of someone’s negligence. Furthermore, you must be able to prove that the injuries or damages resulted from this accident. If you are able to gather enough evidence against the defendant you may be able receive full compensation for your injuries. However, making a personal injury claim Bolton can become increasingly difficult, even futile, if you don’t take care of the appropriate time limits. The following contains details on the time limits based on the claim type.

Making a Claim for Children:-
For children, regardless of when the accident occurred, a claim can be made within three years after their eighteenth birthday. As a result of which, the child will be able to make a claim until the age of 21.

Making a claim for someone with a mental disability:-
A person who has become mentally unstable due to an accident such as a head injury can make a claim at any point or until they no longer need treatment.

Making a claim for symptoms that do not appear immediately:-
People interested in making a personal injury claim Bolton must do so within three years of:-
-         When they became aware of the condition.
-         When they became aware that the injury was caused due to negligence.
-         When they discovered who was responsible for the injury.

Making a claim for injuries sustained due to a faulty product:-
If you to make a claim for an injury after using a faulty product you must do so:-
-         Within three years from the date of injury.
-         Within three years from the time they located the manufacturer.
-         Within ten years of buying the product.

For guidance on making a personal injury claim Bolton you are more than welcome to get in touch with 247 Solicitors by phone on 01204 263000 or email info@247solicitors.co.uk.

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