Friday, 5 August 2016

Making a Personal Injury Claim Bolton against the Police

We trust the Police to maintain Law and Order so that we are able to live our lives in a peaceful and safe manner. In case of emergencies and protection we look to our police officials for assistance and in return we expect their honest and fair services. However, one thing to remember here is that police officials are also human being just like the rest of us, due to which they too are capable making mistakes. One thing to remember is that unlike popular TV culture, police officials are not above the law and if you believe that you have been mistreated or wrongfully injured by the police, it is right to make an official complaint against them. The following text contains more details on the matter of making a personal injury claim Bolton against the Police.

Are you Capable of being compensated?
Fortunately, most Police Forces have budgets and insurance policies that pay out Police Abuse Compensation as they are aware that their officers capable of making mistakes. Therefore, one should hesitate on making a personal injury claim Bolton especially considering the fact that many solicitors work around a “no win, no fee” basis.

When should a Police Abuse Compensation Claim be made?
There can be a number of situations where you may have suffered physical injury or inconvenience in the hands of the police, including:-
-         Being wrongly arrested.
-         Being assaulted or subjected to unnecessary force.
-         If the police causes damage to your property or enters your property without valid cause.

For more information and guidance on making a personal injury claim Bolton you are more than welcome to get in touch with 247 Solicitors by phone on 01204 263000 or email

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